Steuervorschriften im Jahr 2024
Inhaber einer Thailand Privilege-Mitgliedschaft sind von der Zahlung der Einkommenssteuer in Thailand befreit, wenn sie Gelder von einem personlichen Bankkonto im Ausland auf ein lokales Bankkonto in Thailand uberweisen und den Nachweis erbringen konnen, dass es sich bei dem Geld im selben Kalenderjahr nicht um ein personliches Einkommen handelt. Wenn Ihr Land auBerdem ein Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen (DBA) mit Thailand hat, ist in Thailand keine Steuer erforderlich, selbst wenn das Einkommen innerhalb desselben Kalenderjahres ubertragen wird, in dem es erzielt wurde.
DP German Thai ist ein autorisierter Vertreter von Henley & Partners in Thailand
Background and Program Requirements
The Thailand Privilege Residence Program was developed by the Thailand Privilege Card Co., Ltd. (TPC) to promote Thailand to foreigners through the issuance of a Privilege Entry visa. In order to obtain the Privilege Entry visa, foreigners must be a member of Thailand Privilege; which allows foreigners to live in Thailand for up to 20 years depending on the program option chosen. The Privilege visa does not allow employment nor to gain employment in Thailand.

There are four different program options, each varying in validity, the number of points allocated, and cost:

Gold Card
A five-year program option that has a one-time fee of THB 900,000 incl. VAT (approx. USD 25,000). 20 points per year are allocated to redeem services.

Platinum Card
A 10-year program option that has a one-time fee of THB 1.5 million incl. VAT (approx. USD 42,000). 35 points per year are allocated to redeem services.

Diamond Card
A 15-year program option that has a one-time fee of THB 2.5 million incl. VAT (approx. USD 70,000). 55 points per year are allocated to redeem services.

Reserve card*
A 20-year program option that has a one-time fee of THB 5 million incl. VAT (approx. USD 140,000). 120 points per year are allocated to redeem services.
*issued by invitation only
Procedures and Time Frame
Once your personal application is submitted, TPC will only provide approval in principle after a personal profile check has been done, which takes one to three months*. An approval letter will be issued together with the fee payment request upon approval. The visa will not be issued until the application fee is received in full. The welcome letter will be issued within two weeks after fund transfer confirmation from TPC. Prior to physically obtaining the visa, the approved applicant and dependent members must inform TPC seven days in advance of their request to have the visa affixed upon their arrival at the airport or at the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok.
*Eligibility – Any person who has more than one over-stay record in Thailand in the past three years is not eligible to apply for Thailand Privilege. Nationals of Afghanistan, Algeria, Cameroon, Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Palestine, Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen are currently ineligible to apply for Thailand Privilege.
Successful applicants can live and stay in Thailand for as long as they wish up to the validity of their chosen package option. The only limitation is a requirement to inform TPC of your stay when reaching a continuous 90-day length of stay in Thailand, and to obtain a yearly stay-extension from immigration when reaching a continuous 365-day length of stay in Thailand.